The Ringmer Frontal

Between 2000 and 2006 St Mary's acquired a set of seasonal altar and pulpit furnishings designed and made by Marian Cantrell. The designs mark the liturgical seasons in a way which reflects the church and the village in which they are used.

The altar furnishings consist of a Laudian cloth with three antependia which can hang over the central part of it. The cloth is used without an antependium during the penitential seasons of Advent and  Lent; in the other seasons one of the three antependia is used.

For more pictures and information about the designs, click on one of the pictures below.

As can be seen, all three antependia  have an underlying design of two triangular shapes, one descending and one ascending. The triangular shape is suggestive of the Holy Trinity and of the loving nature of God which is reflected in his creation. The idea is of God's grace reaching down and being met by creation's response.