Welcome to the St Mary’s Parish Church  youth & children’s page!

SPECIAL - Toy and Cake Sale - Saturday 26th March - 10.00 am - 12.00 noon

Do come along and support us, there will be table service, excellent coffee and a choice of teas, delicious cakes and treats. See the poster HERE.

[Sunday Services and Baptisms] [Friday Club] [Friday Club Two] [Eco Church Project] [Bell ringing]

Sunday services and baptisms... 

The first Sunday of the month offers a family service at St Mary's starting at 10.00 am. Families of all ages are to welcome all services - we offer play bags, a play area and support from members of the church family.

Baptisms usually take place during the family service. If you have or are someone who might seek baptism, contact the Vicar in the first place.

Friday Club...is a relaxed gathering of children in year groups 5-8 or equivalent. We offer a lively mix of games, activities and crafts with a light sprinkling of Faith. Details form Marisa hayes 07796 145 464

Friday Club Two has a focus on the church as an Eco-Church and will work on a series of projects towards the Bronze Eco Church Award. More details from Rosemary Colebourn  on 07552 487 694


Bellringing Yr 6 and up – come and learn a new skill! Parents are always welcome to have a try too. Contact pjaylward@btinternet.com. Take a look at www.ringmertower.org.uk

Contact Marisa for more information. Marisa@happymouflon.com