Supporting families around the world 

We are an international Christian membership movement, actively supporting families and communities in need of support in the UK and worldwide since 1876.

Mothers’ Union has 4 million members in 84 countries across the world. These members seek to serve people in their communities through outreach projects and various programmes.

Our aims and objectives are:

We are a totally inclusive organisation welcoming everyone.

Ringmer Branch

Ringmer MU has members drawn from Ringmer, Lewes, Uckfield and surrounding villages.

We hold our monthly meetings in St Mary’s Church Room and also keep in touch with members through regular newsletters.

We have been making ‘twiddle mats’ for people with dementia at Parris Lawn and Limetree House Care Homes in Ringmer.

A new project is helping with the church Toddler Group in the Village Hall. Revd David is nearly always there as well as a couple of MU members assisted by other members on our church congregation.

We are always pleased to welcome visitors and new members.

For further information please contact 

Shirley Squires  01273 752167 / 07552492354